Mosaic update!

It’s been a long time since I blogged, but the renovation work has continued.  I have much to tell, not least how we had a plumbing disaster and the house got flooded!  More on that later, when I reveal how we used it to our advantage.

I must update you on the mosaic!  Here is how things were looking…


The next job was to painstakingly fill in some gaps.  Our cat, Frankie, inspected my work thoroughly.

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When I had to stop for the day, I set aside the tiles I hadn’t glued in yet, in a way that they wouldn’t lose their formation.  It was so easy to drop them in next time I worked on the mosaic.

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From this…                                                                                to this!

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Puppy approves.  (She always does, as long as there’s sunshine for her to lie in!)


If there’s one thing I’ve learnt with this mosaic, it’s patience.  I had NO IDEA of the time involved in such a job.  This small amount was a couple of afternoon’s work: I’d say about five hours in total.  Yes, I know it’s crazy, but I’m so excited with being over halfway there…

This is DEFINITELY a labour of love!


What do YOU spend impractical amounts of time on, just because you LOVE it?



Leave comments and ask any decorating advice here!